Un mondo alternativo di energia

Adjustment of photovoltaic systems

The Authority for Electricity and Gas (AEEG) announces that it has defined the new deadlines within which the owners of Distributed Energy Generation (GD) installations will have to adapt them, in order to avoid accidents and therefore possible blackouts.The resolution in question requires the adaptation of the interface protections, external and / or internal to the inverter, of all photovoltaic systems over 6 kW put into service before March 31, 2012.

The changes to be made to the plants still refer to the well-known Annex A.70 of the Terna Grid Code

The mandatory deadlines to be respected for the adaptation will be as follows:


for plants over  20 kW connected in LV

and up to 50 kW connected in MV


for plants over 60kW and up to 20 kW connected in LV.

 We remind you that failure to adapt will result in the suspension of any on-site exchange agreements, dedicated withdrawals, as well as incentives in the Energy Account.

Dai più risparmio alla tua energia. Richiedi un preventivo


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